Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pick A Prize

A weekend of Anusara Yoga teacher training always leaves me feeling many things:  enthused, exhausted, strengthened, overwhelmed, inspired, humbled, treasured...and the list of dichotomies goes on.  This morning, after our third training weekend, I decided to reflect back through those feelings with the goal of distilling it down to the essence I want to carry forward with me.  It kind of reminds me of when we were kids, and after a trip to the dentist, we would get to sift through the treasure chest to select a parting gift.  (There are other similarities between a trip to the dentist and teacher training weekends, but that's a different topic!)

My mind quickly went to the thought that it is usually easier to see progress and changes in others than it is to see it in ourselves.  Seeing the amazing changes in each of the graceful, gracious and talented women I am lucky enough to be on this journey with is a priceless blessing.  Reflecting on the evolution I see in them is like a mirror to help me see my own growth.  It's such a gift to be able to to nurture my own growth through the lens of support and non-judgement I see them through.  Using these glasses, any feelings of comparison (and not measuring up), competition and judgement that often come with being part of learning something new simply don't exist in this view.  What a lovely parting gift!

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