Friday, February 22, 2013

What to do while waiting to discover your life's purpose

FINALLY.  I finally had the chance to catch-up by phone this afternoon with one of the smartest, most energetic, creative, funniest (and also fun-est which isn't a word but she's super fun!) women I know and am lucky enough to have as an amazing friend.  One of the things that always makes me shake my head in wonder at is how through time and space, we can be on the same telepathic wavelength.  Out of the blue I'll be thinking that I really need to catch up with her...and the next morning, I'll have a text from her saying "we need to catch up".

When we do finally create a time to catch up, it's so incredibly uplifting.  We do a check-in to see who needs to go first, then we're off.  Talking, laughing, musing, figuring, plotting.  The best part is when we get to the kernel of something that we've been wrestling with on our own but got stuck in.  It's such a gift to have someone who can add their brainwaves to your own to think about possibilities for "what's next?".

The idea of how to find your life's purpose has been a recurring part of our discussions over the years.  Sometimes we're moving so fast we can't think about what else it is that we should be doing.  Sometimes we have too much time on our hands and not enough answers.  In our conversation today, she made this amazing statement that just made me think again about how brilliant she is.  She's in a place right now where she has time available and wants to know - NOW - what is her life's purpose.  She's been watching, waiting, following a few things, but nothing is emerging.  So what she said was this:  "Eventually I know that all of these random orbs will draw together and the purpose will appear.  Until then, I'll keep putting myself in situations to create more orbs.  So, if today there are 10,000, then I'll create 50,000 and there will be more likelihood that they will come together."  It's that perspective that I just love about her!

If you are searching to discover your Dharma, your life's purpose, instead of just waiting,  make more orbs...and catch up with a great friend.

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